Artifice and Indeterminacy
Christopher Beach
Not Available
The Objectivist Nexus
Rachel Blau DuPlessis and 1 more
Discrepant Engagement
Nathaniel Mackey
Everybody's Autonomy
Juliana Spahr
Led by Language
Rachel Tzvia Back
The Obligation Toward the Difficult Whole
Brian McHale
Benjamin Friedlander
Integral Music
Aldon Lynn Nielsen
Distant Reading
Peter Middleton
This Is Called Moving
Abigail Child
The Darkness of the Present
Steve McCaffery
Lytle Shaw
Stubborn Poetries
Peter Quartermain
Reading the Difficulties
Thomas Fink and 1 more
Contemporaries and Snobs
Laura Riding
What I Say
Ecology of Modernism
Joshua Schuster
The Astonishment Tapes
Robin Blaser
Modernism the Morning After
Bob Perelman
Finding the Weight of Things
George Leslie Hart
Letters to Jargon
Andrew Rippeon
Writing Into the Future
Alan C Golding
Architectural Body
Madeline Gins and 1 more
American Poetry as Transactional Art
Stephen Fredman
The Alphabet
Ronald Silliman
Bowed Some, Chanted a Little
Philip Whalen
Ashbery's Forms of Attention
Andrew DuBois